Australians deserve to hear and see quality home grown content


The Australian Greens have today launched an inquiry into the Economic and Cultural Value of Australian Content on Broadcast, Radio and Streaming Services to shine a light the contribution Australian-made television, film and music makes to our social and cultural fabric.

“We’ve got so many great stories to tell across the country, and talented people working in our television, film and music industries. It’s time to acknowledge the positive impact investing in these industries has on our nation, and find out how we can improve it,” Greens communication and arts spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.

“Big commercial broadcasters complain that creating Australian programming doesn’t suit their business model but what they seem to ignore is the immense value Australian content has on our society and how we can project Australia to the rest of the world.

“The way we watch television has changed with online and on-demand services like Netflix and Stan. We need local content requirements for these service too, just like is being done in other countries around the world.

“If the big commercial broadcasters have their way, local content requirements for children’s television will be abolished and Australian-made drama will be cut. Australian families  deserve to have their stories told, and their communities reflected back to them on screen; this is especially vital for children making sense of the world around them.

“We know that too many commercial radio stations across the country are already not meeting their requirement to play 25 per cent Australian music. We have a flourishing industry with outstanding artists producing world-class music, and it needs to be heard.

“This inquiry will focus on the value that Australian television and music contributes to our society, through economic benefits, export potential and community building.”

Terms of reference:

The economic and cultural value of Australian Content on Broadcast, Radio and Streaming Services, with particular reference to:

  1. the current state and operation of the market for Australian television, and music industry including:
    1. competition issues relating to the relative market power of producers and broadcasters for traditional, streaming and catch up viewing
  2. the contribution the Australian television and music industries make to the economy
  3. the value and importance of
    1. local content requirements for television, radio and streaming services in Australia;
    2. Australian children’s television and children’s content;
  4. the committee shall have regard to:
    1. recent international reviews and reports, in particular from the United Kingdom and Canada;
    2. submissions made to:
      1. the Australian and Children’s Content Review undertaken by the Department of the Communications and the Arts, the Australian Communications and Media Authority and Screen Australia.
      2. the House Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts inquiry into Factors contributing to the growth and sustainability of the Australian film and television industry; and

Any other related matters

The committee will present its final report by or on Wednesday, May 9, 2018

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