Back off Barnaby, and take your cruel games with you


Greens Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young has slammed Barnaby Joyce and Matt Canavan for spruiking a cruel deal to Whyalla steelworkers that won’t result in long-term sustainability for Arrium.

“How dare Barnaby Joyce and Matt Canavan come into my state and say we should be thankful for this dud deal they’re parading as a lifeline for Whyalla. It’s a bit rich for the Nationals, who have their own personal $5 billion slush fund in the Northern Australia Infrastructure Fund, to cross the border with a loose-change deal that will make no difference to Arrium’s long term future in Whyalla.

“To say a one-off order of 56,000 tonnes of railway line would save the Whyalla steelworks is nothing more than a cruel trick to a community doing it tough. It’s the equivalent of one per cent of Arrium’s output over the term of the contract.

“It’s about time we got a Southern Australia Infrastructure Fund, so we could progress our state with projects like a solar thermal plant, and expanding our public transport network – projects that will keep the lights on and the fires burning in Whyalla for a long time to come.

“The workers in Whyalla have been slogging it out under a cloud of uncertainty, making sure they’re profitable enough to attract a new buyer. They’re closer than ever to achieving that, thanks to their hard work keeping the steelworks moving, not a Trojan horse deal from Adani.

“The reality is, Adani is losing backers and it is losing favour with the Australian people. South Australians deserve better than this cruel attempt to win over the public a disaster coal mine plan from Adani and a desperate Government.”

Media contact: Amy Moran 0427 604 760

Media Release Finance and Trade Industry Transport and Infrastructure