Barnaby needs to put his mouth where the Murray is


South Australian Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has challenged Barnaby Joyce to a public debate in Adelaide on the health of the Murray River.
“It’s time Barnaby came to Adelaide and defended his appalling attempts to sell South Australia short,” Senator Hanson-Young said.
“Refusing to implement the Murray Darling Basin Plan in full, including the additional 450 Gigalitres of environmental water, will put our precious Murray River at risk.
“Barnaby Joyce doesn’t care about our state. He’s in the pocket of the big irrigators upstream and he couldn’t care less about growers or the environment in South Australia.
“The Basin Plan was meant to take the politics out of this debate but, as we can see from the consistent attacks on South Australia in recent weeks, it’s done the opposite.
“This plan was only ever going to deliver the bare minimum amount of water required to give the Murray River a fighting chance and now Barnaby Joyce wants to take that last hope away.”
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760

Media ReleaseWater and Murray Darling Basin