BP must abandon its plans to drill in the Great Australian Bight: Greens


Greens Senator for South Australia Robert Simms is calling on BP to abandon its plans to drill in the Great Australian Bight after its secret environmental plan was knocked back by NOPSEMA a second time.
"It's clear BP aren't respecting of the precious Great Australian Bight environment as once again NOPSEMA determine that BP's shoddy environmental plan requires modifications," Senator Simms said.
"We cannot risk a catastrophic oil spill in the Bight, a pristine environment which is home to endangered and threatened species like the southern right whale and Australian sea lion. Any major spill would also decimate our coastal tourism and fishing industries which contribute 9,000 sustainable jobs and almost $1.5 billion to the South Australian economy.
"The Greens demand that BP abandon its plans to drill in the Bight rather than resubmitting the same secretive sub-standard environmental plan over and over again while expecting a different result."
Senator Simms and fellow SA Senator Nick Xenophon established a Senate inquiry into petroleum exploration in the Great Australian Bight, which was interrupted due to the election being called.