BP must be held to account in NOPSEMA hearings.


Australian Greens Senator for South Australia, Robert Simms, said BP must be held to account for their shocking environmental record and poor community consultation in hearings occurring around the state this week.

BP's initial submission to drill for oil off the Great Australian Bight was turned down by the regulator, NOPSEMA. These hearings are a necessary step for them to re-submit an application to drill for oil.

"We know BP don't have the capacity to handle disasters - we have seen this in the past with the Deepwater Horizon oil spill that took 87 days to be contained," Senator Simms said.

"The seas off the Great Australian Bight are infinitely more remote and difficult to access. With this in mind it is imperative that NOPSEMA take all questions around BP drilling for oil in this region very seriously.

"I will be working closely with my state colleagues and fellow Greens candidates to ensure that BP is asked the hard questions during these hearings.

Senator Simms also expressed concern over the fact that NOPSEMA was running the hearings on behalf of BP.

"Frankly, I am concerned that BP has outsourced their public hearings to a public agency.

"It seems completely inappropriate that NOPSEMA would facilitate these public hearings that will likely fulfil a pre-requisite so BP can re-submit their application to drill."

Media contact: Cambell Klose 0417 173 508