Childcare changes to be investigated by Senate inquiry


The Australian Greens will refer the Coalition's recently announced childcare package to a Senate inquiry amid growing concerns that many families will be left significantly worse off by the changes.
"I'm very concerned that some families will be worse off and some children will be left without access to any early education at all," the Greens' early education and care spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"The Senate will lift the lid on these changes and will find out, on behalf of all Australian families, exactly how this legislation will affect them.
"By cutting support to families with one parent who doesn't work, this package runs a real risk of denying children essential developmental care.
"Families with variable or insecure work will struggle to keep up with the complexity of the government's activity test and, in the end, it's their children who will suffer.
"It's clear that these changes won't help new mothers who are trying to re-enter the workforce through casual or occasional work.
"I have heard from many parents who are rightly concerned about the nasty surprises that are hidden in this package. The Greens will stand up for Australian families and continue to fight for access to flexible, affordable, high quality care."
Media Release: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760