Christmas Island in meltdown: detention network review required


Following the death of an Iranian refugee on Christmas Island, the Australian Greens have urged the government to explain exactly what is going on in the detention centre and to exercise restraint in responding to the current situation.
"Christmas Island is in meltdown and I urge the government to do everything they can to keep everyone safe," the Greens' immigration spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"I am very concerned that people seeking asylum have been locked up with other detainees, putting them at risk. The government was warned repeatedly about the increasingly toxic situation on Christmas Island but, regrettably, those warnings were ignored.
"The Government needs to be up front with the Australian people and explain exactly what's going on in the detention centre. I have spoken with people who are locked up in the centre and they say that there is widespread unrest and fires across the facility.
"With all Serco guards being removed from the centre late last night, the people who are locked up there are being left to fend for themselves.
"There has been a shocking spike in the number of incidents of self-harm and several suicides in detention centres in recent months.
"It's time for a fully independent review of the Australian immigration detention network. Clearly the current situation is untenable and, if things aren't changed quickly, more lives will be lost."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760