Conservative dissidents shine a spotlight why Parliament must decide on marriage equality


The Greens are calling for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to allow a free vote on marriage equality when Parliament resumes, following reports that conservative MPs plan to ignore the result of a plebiscite on the matter.

"It's ironic that Eric Abetz doesn't want a conscience vote on the issue of marriage equality but when it comes to implementing the outcome of any plebiscite that's a different story. He wants some sort of veto power if he doesn't like the outcome," The Greens spokesperson on Marriage Equality, Senator Robert Simms, said.

"This just demonstrates what a complete nonsense this plebiscite is. Why should Australians be exposed to a costly and divisive plebiscite if conservative MPs aren't even bound to accept the outcome? It's time for the parliament to decide and the Prime Minister should grant his members a conscience vote.

"Why should the views of Eric Abetz and Tony Abbott be more valuable than the views of other members of the Government?"

Media contact: Cambell Klose 0417 173 508