Dangerous and dirty gas extraction technique banned in Queensland is set to be approved in SA


A dangerous gas extraction technique responsible for Queensland's biggest ever environmental pollution incident is set to be approved in South Australia, according to Mark Parnell MLC, Greens SA Parliamentary Leader.

“This week in State Parliament, both the old parties voted down a Greens' Bill to ban the controversial technique of Underground Coal Gasification (UCG), despite overwhelming evidence of its risks”, said Mr Parnell.

“The Greens’ call is consistent with the Queensland Labor Government’s decision to ban UCG after horrendous environmental damage was wreaked upon several sites within that state.  Last year, UCG was banned in Scotland based on the recommendation of Professor Campbell Gemmell, former CEO of the South Australian EPA.  Other countries have now also banned UCG.

“In Queensland, five executives from Linc Energy have been charged with environmental offences, and the Queensland Government may even be left to foot the $38 million bill for clean-up and compensation.  Is this what we want for South Australia?

“Resources Minister Tom Koutsantonis has said he’ll only listen to scientists and regulators about the risks of UCG. He’d do well to heed the advice of Professor Gemmell and also his Queensland Labor colleagues.  Poisoned soil, air and water is a likely outcome of this failed technology.  That’s not the future we want for Leigh Creek or any other community in South Australia facing the threat of UCG,” concluded Mark Parnell.