Dutton & Wilson Security must be made accountable for cover-up of child abuse on Nauru


Revelations that the government contractor Wilson Security appears to have misled the Australian parliament over a number of child abuse incidents on Nauru are extremely serious and may constitute criminal behaviour, the Australian Greens have said.
“Wilson Security and Broadspectrum have failed to protect the children in their care. It appears that in a number of cases the Government contractors failed to adequately address serious incidents of abuse and violence, and worse than this they have attempted to cover them up,” the Greens’ immigration spokesperson, Sarah Hanson-Young, said.
“The government contractors that have been paid billions in tax-payer dollars are either grossly incompetent or lying criminals.

“Wilson Security has acted with impunity, putting the lives of children and young women in particular in danger.
“Wilson Security must explain the contradictions in their evidence to Parliament. As Deputy Chair of the Senate Inquiry I will be formally requesting that both contractors provide a full and prompt response to the Senate. The Australian Greens will also continue to push for an independent royal commission into Australia’s offshore detention centres.
“Comments by Minister Dutton this morning that incidents involving child sexual abuse may be fabricated are abhorrent. To attack a child for telling an adult – someone they should trust – that they’ve been abused is unthinkable.
“It is unacceptable for the Turnbull government to continue to send people to an island prison in which we know children are experiencing abuse and violence.
“These cruel camps must immediately close and those in need of protection must be brought to Australia. The Greens want to see a fair and efficient regional system put in place to process people’s claims for asylum quickly and efficiently and bring them here safely.”
Media Contact: Katie Robertson 0427 604 760