Education meeting failure; no road-map towards needs-based funding


The Australian Greens have criticised today's meeting of Education Minister's as a talk-fest, saying that it has done nothing to move towards an improved funding model for Australian schools.
"This meeting was an opportunity to talk about how we can invest in the future of our students and our schools, but that's not what happened," the Greens' education spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"What we need more than anything else is a road-map towards genuine needs-based funding across Australian schools.
"As a country, it's clear that we're still barrelling towards the Turnbull government's school funding cliff in 2018.
"If we're serious about improving outcomes in Australian schools we'll need more from this government than billions of dollars of cuts and long-winded talk-fests."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760