Expat Australians unfairly targeted by HECS recovery bill


The Australian Greens say the Overseas Debt Recovery Bill, which passed the Senate last night, will raise a pittance compared to other potential measures and exposes the Federal Government's warped priorities.

Individuals who have a HELP/TSL bill and are currently travelling overseas, or intending to travel overseas for more than 6 months after the commencement of the bill will have to register with the Australian Tax Office. Failure to do so would mean the individual was failing to comply with tax law and would be punishable.

"If only the Government showed the same zeal when it comes to pursuing multinational tax evaders overseas," said the Greens Higher Education Spokesperson, Senator Robert Simms.

"This is another example of the Liberal Government completely missing the mark and going after every day Australians while letting big business off the hook. Collecting HECS debt from overseas Australians will raise barely $6.5 million per year, whereas every year an estimated $60 billion is funnelled out of Australia by multinationals.

"This is an unfair measure that is going to end up with a lot of Australian expats accidentally caught up in trouble with the tax office. It is ludicrous that the onus is going to be put on the individual to report to the ATO before travelling or living overseas."

Rob spoke on the bill last night. Watch the video here. 
Media contact: Cambell Klose 0417 173 508