Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee


I, and also on behalf of Senator Xenophon, move:
That the following matter be referred to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee for inquiry and report by 7 February 2017:
The proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement, with particular reference to the impact of the agreement on:
(a) Australia's economy and trade;
(b) Australia's domestic labour market testing obligations and laws regarding wages, conditions and entitlements of Australian workers and temporary work visa holders;
(c) Australian investment;
(d) Australia's social, cultural and environmental policies;
(e) the effect of Investor-State Dispute Settlement;
(f) rights for copyright holders;
(g) rights for consumers; and
(h) any other related matters.

Senator McGRATH
I seek leave to make a short statement.

Leave is granted for one minute.

Senator McGRATH
The government opposes the motion that the TPP Agreement be referred to the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee. When the TPP treaty was first tabled in parliament on 9 February 2016, it was accompanied by a national interest analysis that addressed issues identified in the notice of motion. In addition, the TPP Agreement has just been rereferred to the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties, whose thorough examination of the treaty will consider all relevant issues, including those identified in the notice of motion, associated with Australia joining the TPP Agreement.
Question agreed to.