Forum: Animal Welfare


Wed, 2016-06-01 17:30 - 19:30

Napier Building Lecture Theatre G04, University of Adelaide, North Terrace, Adelaide

You're invited to an animal welfare forum hosted by the Greens' animal welfare spokespeople, Senator Lee Rhiannon and Tammy Franks MLC, plus South Australian Greens Senator Robert Simms as MC.

You're invited to an animal welfare forum hosted by the Greens' animal welfare spokespeople Senator Lee Rhiannon and Tammy Franks MLC, plus South Australian Greens Senator Robert Simms as MC.
This free event is designed to bring together animal welfare stakeholders and members of the public to hear about the Greens' plan to champion better animal welfare outcomes in the Parliament, both state and federal.
The forum will include a Q&A component and stakeholders will have an opportunity to meet with MPs directly following the forum.
Please arrive at 5.30pm for a 5.45pm start.
Please RSVP via email or contact Yesha Joshi on (08) 8237 9296 for more information.

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