Future looks less bleak for VET sector


The Greens joined with the Government, Labor and crossbenchers to support a raft of changes through the Senate that will help arrest the worst of the malpractices in the for-profit VET sector.

"These changes will provide much needed protections for students however they still falls short of the overhaul required. For as long as we have private for profit providers receiving public funds, students are at risk of exploitation," Greens spokesperson for Higher Education, Senator Robert Simms said.

The Government have indicated they are going to re-design the sector next year for 2017.

"Now is an opportunity to restate the case for the public TAFE system and drive out the rent seekers.

"We hope the Government learns from this shocking fiasco and takes a transparent and collaborative approach to building the next model. I will be keen to work with them to ensure the community's concerns are acknowledged and acted upon."

Media contact: Cambell Klose 0417 173 508