Government cannot ignore rape and assault on Nauru: Greens


The Australia Greens have called on the new Turnbull government to step in and remove children and their families from Nauru following the publication of more allegations of rape and assault on the ABC's 7.30 last night.
"We cannot force these women and children to live in terror any longer. Something must be done," the Greens' immigration spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"There is a mountain of allegations forming and it's clear that the women and children who have left the camp and are now settled on Nauru are not safe.
"The recent Senate Inquiry into the Nauru detention camp revealed a horrifying picture of institutionalised abuse and the accusations keep coming.
"I urge our new Prime Minister to show some mercy and to bring the children and their families back to Australia.
"As a modern, caring nation we are strong enough to protect these women and children. It's high time we brought them home."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760