Government dumps Lomborg


The Australian Greens welcome the Federal Government today confirming they are dropping the push to set up a Lomborg Consensus Centre in Australia.

Education Minister Simon Birmingham revealed the plan had been abandoned during questioning for estimates from the Greens spokesperson for Higher Education, Senator Robert Simms.

"I am relieved to today learn that the Federal Government have dropped their $4 million ‘captain's pick' of setting up a Bjorn Lomborg ‘Consensus Centre' in Australia," Senator Simms said.

"It's curious that the government had made the decision to abandon this some weeks ago yet appear to have sat on the decision. Nonetheless, we welcome the decision. This is great news for the academic integrity of our universities and it is testament to the strong community campaign.

"I hope that the Federal Government will now focus on increasing funding across the board to invest in our universities."

Media contact: Cambell Klose 0417 173 508