Government must apologise for Bulmer-Rizzi treatment


The Australian Greens are calling on the Government to apologise to Mr Marco Bulmer-Rizzi following revelations of more poor treatment by a government department.
"Mr Bulmer-Rizzi has had his grief compounded by the poor treatment from the government, starting with the failure to name him as next-of-kin on his late husband's death certificate in January," Greens sexuality spokesperson Senator Robert Simms said.
"Receiving an email warning Mr Bulmer-Rizzi's deceased husband was at risk of overstaying his visa, is another blow to a grieving man. It follows a string of humiliating failures from various levels of government. He is deserving of an apology and the Australian Parliament must support the Greens' in ensuring this kind of discrimination Mr Bulmer-Rizzi experienced never happens again."
In March, Senator Simms introduced a bill into the senate which would have ensured that same-sex marriages performed overseas are recognised on Australian soil.