Government must explain as tensions rise on Manus Island


The reported tensions within the Manus Island detention camp, resulting from centre meetings where plans for forced segregation and mass deportations were outlined, need to be addressed by the Australian Government, the Australian Greens have said.
"The government needs to clarify what's happening inside the Manus Island camp," the Greens' immigration spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"We should be processing people's claims for asylum and bringing those who need protection to Australia, so that they can integrate into the community and put their lives back together in safety.
"My office has been contacted by multiple people who are very concerned about the situation on Manus Island.
"We have seen the government sit on its hands in the past as tensions rose within the centre. That approach ended in disaster, with the murder of one person and the serious assault of dozens of others.
"Offshore processing has clearly failed and the government has no exit strategy."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760