Greens bill to boost jobs and green car industry in South Australia


South Australian Senator, Robert Simms, will introduce a green jobs package into the Senate to boost employment in South Australia today.

The amendment to the Automotive Transformation Scheme is Senator Simms’ first bill and would allow green and electric manufacturers to apply for grants.

“We need to look at how we can harness the skills of South Australia’s manufacturing industry to create new jobs for the future,” Senator Simms said.

“With Holden closing in 2017 we need to get ahead of the curve to make sure we have new jobs for people to transition to.

“This fund would provide assistance to manufacturers operating here in South Australia with a focus on those that take on employees working in existing manufacturing, as well as associated industries.

“Globally, electric car manufacturing is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. By 2025 it is estimated to be worth more than $500 billion per year, and South Australia is perfectly positioned to get a slice of the pie.

Media contact: Cambell Klose 0417 173 508