Greens to bring on marriage bill


The Australian Greens have announced they will bring their Bill for marriage equality back to the Senate for debate on Thursday 12 November.

The Bill, introduced at the start of the Abbott government in 2013, would amend the Marriage Act 1961 to: define marriage as a union of two people; clarify that ministers of religion are not bound to solemnise marriage by any other law; remove the prohibition of the recognition of same sex marriages solemnised in a foreign country; and include a regulation making power so that consequential amendments can be made to other Acts.

Greens spokesperson on marriage equality and LGBTI, Senator Robert Simms, said now is the time to end discrimination in marriage.

"We know that Australians support marriage equality and they want to see the Parliament deliver it. That is why we are bringing our bill on for debate on November 12," Senator Simms said.

"This is a chance for Malcolm Turnbull to show that he is not beholden to the dinosaurs in the Liberal Party and that he is on the side of love and equality.

"This is fundamentally an issue about fairness and love. This shouldn't be a debate about process. We just need to get it done."

Media contact: Cambell Klose 0417 173 508