Greens call for blue-green algae plan


The Australian Greens are calling for Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce to take action following an outbreak of blue-green algae in the River Murray.
"This outbreak affirms the need for a strong Murray-Darling Basin Plan. Ensuring decent flows in the River Murray prevents blue-green algal blooms from occurring, as we know this algae thrives in still water," Greens water and Murray Darling Basin spokesperson Senator Robert Simms said.
"The twin challenges of climate change and a weakened river system mean this will become more frequent unless the Government takes action. The Minister needs to detail his plan for the river's health. With an election on the horizon, the community has a right to know what the government has in store.
"We've already seen the impact on tourism and irrigators, and to-date the Minister has been missing in action on this issue."
The Greens have been strong advocates for the Murray-Darling Basin Plan and argue more environmental flows are needed.
Media contact: Amy Moran 0417 173 508