Greens call on government to rule out lowering HECS threshold


The Greens have called on Education Minister Simon Birmingham to rule out lowering the HELP (HECS) repayment threshold following media reports the idea is being considered.

"HECS debt can take a significant slice out of your income. Lowering the repayment threshold will place an increased burden on low income earners at a time when cuts to penalty rates and an increase in the GST are already on the table," said Greens Higher Education Spokesperson, Robert Simms.

"This would be yet another example of the Liberal Party targeting those who have less capacity to pay. Despite all the talk of ‘new ideas' and ‘innovation' in recent months, we keep seeing more of the same unfair policies and warped priorities.

"This latest thought bubble will send a shiver down the spine of low income earners with HECS debts. Minister Birmingham should move quickly to rule it out."

Currently, people with a HELP debt don't have to pay back any of their debt until they earn over $54,000. The percentage of debt repayment increases with their wage.

Media contact: Cambell Klose 0417 173 508