Greens call on Turnbull to allow free vote on marriage equality


The Greens have renewed their call for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to grant a free vote on marriage equality so the Parliament can finally legislate for this reform.

"We don't need to spend over $100 million on a plebiscite to ask a question we already know the answer to. Australians overwhelmingly support marriage equality and they are looking to the Parliament to get this done. No more delays, we need an outcome," Greens spokesperson on LGBTI and Marriage Equality, Robert Simms, said.

"The Greens are also deeply concerned about the potential for a homophobic ‘no' case to be funded at taxpayer expense. This would do lots of damage to the gay and lesbian community, particularly young people.

"Malcolm Turnbull supports marriage equality and this is an opportunity for him to break from the Abbott era and show he is not just Tony Abbott light - out of the speedos and into a suit.

"This is about love and fairness - it's really not that hard. Let's not over-complicate the issue and just get it done."

Media contact: Cambell Klose 0417 173 508