Greens call on Turnbull to reject bigotry in the Coalition ranks


The Greens say a group of Coalition MPs who are invoking the Human Rights Charter in defence of their opposition to marriage equality are resorting to desperate measures to mask bigotry and have called on Prime Minister Turnbull to show leadership on the matter. 

"The United Nations have been running a campaign promoting equal rights for LGBTI people for years, so this is just the latest attempt by some in the Coalition to deny rights to their fellow Australians," The Greens spokesperson on Sexuality and Marriage Equality, Senator Robert Simms said.

"This time they are cloaking bigotry and homophobia in the language of human rights. It is deeply insulting to LGBTI Australians and their families and friends to suggest that same-sex parents are somehow deficient."

Senator Matthew Canavan, David Gillespie MP and Mr Michael Sukkar MP have written a dissenting report to the Human Rights Committee on Marriage Legislation Amendment Bill 2015.

"When your position on love and equality is as ridiculous as these Coalition members then you obviously have to be very creative when looking for ways to stop people from marrying the people they love.

"We know that Prime Minister Turnbull supports marriage equality. We hope he will distance himself from these outrageous comments."

Media contact: Cambell Klose 0417 173 508