Greens challenge other Parties to come clean on nuclear waste dump policy


The Greens are the only Party with a policy on Nuclear Waste and the only party with a track record on this issue.

“The Greens are the only Party standing alongside the Adnyamathanha Traditional Owners and the wider community opposing a nuclear waste dump being imposed on their land.” said Greens SA Parliamentary Leader, Mark Parnell MLC.

“Without community consent for this to go ahead, the Federal Government needs to go back to the drawing board. We do need a long-term waste management solution to deal with Australia’s own nuclear waste, however the Government needs to undertake a comprehensive audit of radioactive waste and commence a process that investigates all the options, not just dumping the waste on Aboriginal Land.

“The views of the Liberal MP for Grey on this issue are very clear, he wants the dump to go ahead.  However the people of Grey aren’t being told what the policies of the NXT Party or the ALP are on federal nuclear waste being dumped in the Flinders Ranges.

“The Greens challenge all candidates for the seat of Grey to come clean and state their policy on this important issue before polling day. Voters in Grey deserve to know where all Parties and candidates stand on the Federal Government’s plan to dump nuclear waste in their electorate.”

Greens Candidate for Grey, Dr Jillian Marsh, will be speaking at the “Rally Against the Dump” at Gladstone Square in Port Augusta today.

"This matter is of national significance and all Australians are urged to find out the range of issues and risks.  A national, regional and local conversation must precede any further action by the Federal Government.” said Dr Marsh.

When: 12pm, Friday 24th June, 2016
Where: Eastside Foreshore, marching to Gladstone Square, Port Augusta

Dr Jillian Marsh will be available for comment at the rally and also available at Umeewarra Media from 2.30pm.

The Australian Greens policy on Nuclear Waste is available at