Greens: Complicated Nauru pregnancy should have been brought to Australia


The young mother who was sent from Nauru and is now fighting for her life in a Brisbane Hospital, along with her newborn baby, had a complicated pregnancy and should have been brought to Australia long ago, the Australian Greens have said.
"This situation could have been avoided but Peter Dutton chose to let it happen," the Greens' immigration spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"My understanding is that this young woman had pre-eclampsia and should have been brought to Australia long ago, so that she could receive the care she so clearly needed.
"Now, as a direct result of her forced isolation at the hands of the government, she and her newborn baby are fighting for their lives.
"It's important to recognise that this was preventable. Doctors said that choosing to keep women with complicated and dangerous pregnancies on Nauru, rather than bringing them to Australia, would result in tragedy.
"This poor young woman's husband has not seen his wife and child since they were air-lifted on Thursday and he doesn't know if he'll ever see them again. He should be brought from Nauru to Australia immediately, so that he can be by their side.
"There needs to be an investigation into how this woman's pregnancy was handled. We need to know who's advice Peter Dutton took when deciding that this woman would be forced to remain on Nauru, despite her dangerous condition.
"There is a better way to care for people seeking asylum. We should be closing the camps, assessing people's claims where they are and then flying those that need protection here safely."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760