Greens to extend GM Crops Moratorium in SA


The Greens have introduced a Bill into the South Australian State Parliament to extend the state-wide moratorium on the cultivation of genetically-modified crops to the year 2025.

“Without the Greens’ Bill, the current moratorium would automatically expire on 1st September 2019.  This means that without any decision being made by whoever is elected to govern at the State election next March, the moratorium will simply expire,” said Mark Parnell MLC, Greens SA Parliamentary Leader.

Global consumer demand for non-GM foods is increasing and South Australia's clean and green image provides SA farmers and businesses with a lucrative marketing and price advantage.

“The current moratorium has provided a significant price premium for our State’s farmers compared to other States.  As the only GM-free mainland State, this is a significant advantage to South Australia’s food industry.

“For the last 13 years, the State Labor Government has kept South Australia GM-free.  Now, the Greens are calling on the Government to support our farmers by supporting the Bill. 

“The Greens Bill guarantees that regardless of who forms government, the Parliament will have the final say on this important issue”, concluded Mr Parnell.