Greens to Government: get deregulation off the agenda


The Australian Greens have renewed their calls for the Government to drop their deregulation agenda entirely and focus on fixing the funding crisis facing our universities.

Greens spokesperson for Higher Education, Senator Robert Simms, has welcomed the Vice Chancellor of University of New South Wales, Ian Jacobs, speaking out against deregulation.

"You know this policy is a complete dud when even a Vice Chancellor from the Group of 8 universities is coming out against it. Indeed, the deregulation agenda is toxic in the Australian community. Australians don't want a higher education sector that puts wealth and privilege before equality and opportunity." Senator Robert Simms said.

"The Government need to go back to the drawing board and drop their deregulation agenda entirely. No more stay of execution. Australians want it off the table.

"While the Government have shelved these reforms during this term of government, they have signalled they will keep them on ice until after the next election."

"The Liberal Government needs to stop viewing our universities as a cost to be managed. The Greens agree with Vice Chancellor Jacob that the Australian Government's refusal to increase investment in research is damaging the sector. We have some of the best researchers and teachers in the world, but we now risk falling behind. Let us invest in our future by providing Australia's universities with the public funding they need."

A Deloitte report released last week showed a return on investment in research between $5-$10 for each dollar invested.

Media contact: Cambell Klose 0417 173 508