Greens pledge support for ARENA and renewables in SA


The Greens will support renewable energy projects in South Australia by voting against the Coalition's proposed billion dollar cuts to the Australian Renewable Energy Agency in the Senate.
"We will vote to protect our state's renewable energy future and I call on my South Australian Senate colleagues to do the same," South Australian Greens' Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"Gutting ARENA will have a devastating effect on jobs in South Australia. The Labor Party and the Nick Xenophon Team should immediately rule out supporting these regressive cuts.
"Malcolm Turnbull talks a big game on innovation and the new economy, but these cuts tell a very different story. We should be investing in tackling dangerous global warming and climate change, not making irresponsible cuts like this.
"Projects like the solar thermal plant in Port Augusta need ARENA to be properly funded to get off the ground and bring much needed employment to regional South Australia.
"If these measures are allowed to sail through the Senate with support from the Labor Party and Nick Xenophon, it will spell disaster for our state's economy and our rising unemployment rate."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760