Greens stand with students protesting against uni cuts


The Australian Greens stand in solidarity with students protesting around the country today against the government's harsh university cuts.

"This government's attacks on students will not go unnoticed and will not go unchallenged," Greens higher education spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.

"The Greens stand in solidarity with students protesting against these cruel and unnecessary cuts.

"This unjustified attack on students proves that the government has it in for young people. Rather than investing in higher education, addressing housing affordability and retaining penalty rates, this

government seems hell-bent on making life harder for young Australians. Well, we stand with young people and together we will fight back.

"The Australian Greens are rallying with students today and we will continue to represent them in the parliament by blocking these ludicrous cuts."


Media contact: Amy Moran 0427 604 760

Media Release Education