Greens support Lady Cilento Hospital staff stopping government cruelty


The Australian Greens have congratulated the doctors and nurses at the Lady Cilento Hospital in Queensland who are standing up to the government's cruel plans to return a one-year-old baby girl to Nauru.
"The idea that the Turnbull government is trying to remove a 12-month-old baby girl from an Australian hospital to detention on Nauru is cruel madness," the Greens' immigration spokesperson, Senator Hanson-Young said.
"All strength to the medical professionals at the Brisbane hospital for acting in the best interests of this child. 
"The doctors know that discharging this baby would send her and her family straight to the dangers of indefinite detention on Nauru.
"I have huge admiration for these doctors and nurses who are doing the right thing and refusing to release her.
"It's time Malcolm Turnbull listened to the medical experts and realised that there is no government policy that can justify the abuse of children.
"The Turnbull government needs a Nauru Exit Strategy, before more children are permanently harmed."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760