Greens urge Government to drop its planned attack on TAFE system


Australian Greens higher education spokesperson Senator Robert Simms is calling on the Government to drop its outrageous idea to force TAFE institutions to focus on chasing profits rather than providing quality tertiary education.

"This latest leak from the Liberals shows the Government clearly didn't get the memo that Australians value affordable higher education. TAFE institutions around the country are vital in providing people with access to tertiary education, a pathway to a career change or a specialist course in a field they are passionate about," Senator Simms said.

"The for-profit VET sector has been a complete mess and we need to provide TAFE with the funding it needs to remain a high quality provider of vocational education for students.

"The LNP government tried to deregulate university fees and after failing miserably they have turned their attention to TAFE.

"The Greens support affordable and accessible higher education for all Australians. The Government must drop this agenda."

Media contact: Amy Moran 0417 173 508