Greens warn of Family First threat in SA


Greens Senator Robert Simms has said that the choice for voters in South Australia could come down to the Greens or Family First.
"In South Australia, the numbers in the Senate are pretty tight and it looks like it may come down to a race between myself and Family First's Bob Day for that final position," Greens sexuality spokesperson Senator Robert Simms said.
"So for South Australians it's a case of ‘Rob or Bob': the Greens agenda of equality for LGBTI people versus the homophobia and transphobia of Family First.
"It's critical for progressive politics in this country that we hold our second seat in South Australia. Bob Day is a roadblock in ending discrimination and has been stymying progress on issues like marriage equality and Safe Schools.
"I'll be fighting tooth and nail for a progressive senate and with a strong people-powered campaign, I know we can do it."
Senator Simms has been placed number two on the SA Greens Senate ticket for the July 2 double dissolution election.
Since entering the Senate in September last year, Senator Simms has pursued a range of issues impacting on LGBTI Australians, including: bullying in schools, the influence of the Australian Christian Lobby, access to PrEP, marriage equality and bans on blood and marrow donations.