Greens welcome electric car plans


The Australian Greens welcome Sanjeev Gupta’s plans to build electric cars in Adelaide, following years of campaigning to transition the Holden site to an electric car manufacturing hub.

“This inspiring development in the future of the Holden site is an exciting step forward for South Australians. The Greens have been calling for the Holden site to transition into an electric car manufacturer and we share the enthusiasm for the project,” Greens Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young said.

“Sanjeev Gupta has turned around regional SA’s woes by buying the Whyalla steelworks with an effort to make it more environmentally-friendly, he’s investing in renewable energy technology in the mid-north, and he is now looking towards electric cars. Regardless of who forms Government in March, smart investments are ensuring we’re seeing green shoots on South Australia’s green future.

“For years, workers and their families in the northern suburbs have lived under the cloud of Holden’s closure, it’s about time they had some good news to restore hope to a region desperate for jobs.

“As a participant in this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, smart, green and community focused project like this are precisely what is on the agenda. I am looking forward to finding ways to help Australia be more engaged with the rest of the world, rather than following the isolationist rhetoric and attitude of Trump’s America.

"South Australia has a huge potential to be a place where smart investments like that of Sanjeev Gupta can thrive. I’m in Davos to talk with business, entrepreneurs and community leaders about making SA a place where smart, green technologies can find a home.

“South Australia has a manufacturing history and a green future."

Media Release Finance and Trade