Greens welcome NOPSEMA's BP knockback


The Australian Greens have welcomed NOPSEMA's decision to reject BP's plan to drill in the Bight, but have called for greater oversight from the Environment Minister.

"NOPSEMA's decision to reject BP's risky proposal to drill for oil off the Great Australian Bight is great news for South Australians. To have a company with BP's shocking environmental record drilling in such an important region would have put both our tourism and fishing industries at risk," Australian Greens Senator for South Australia, Robert Simms said.

"BP clearly hasn't learned from their disastrous Deepwater Horizon oil spill five years ago. We would have expected them to go above and beyond to ensure that all risks were minimised. But this obviously isn't the case.

"The Greens believe that when dealing with complex proposals like this one, the Federal Environment Minister should get the final say and take responsibility for whether deep-water drilling would go ahead or not."

Media contact: Cambell Klose 0417 173 508