Greens Welcome PrEP TGA Approval - Call on Government to List on PBS


Greens Sexuality spokesperson Senator Robert Simms has welcomed the approval of PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) by the Therapeutic Goods Administration and called on the Government to now list it under the PBS.
"This is positive development in HIV prevention in our country. The Greens have been advocating for some time for Australians to have access to this effective HIV prevention tool and I'm relieved to see it's finally been granted approval," said Senator Simms.
"The next step is for the Federal Government to list it under the PBS. Once this occurs we will see this drug being made accessible and affordable for Australians in high risk groups. The Greens will continue to advocate for the full range of HIV prevention tools to be made available here in Australia."
In November Senator Simms successfully moved a motion in the Senate calling on the Government to remove regulatory barriers to access to PrEP, rapid HIV tests and home self-tests. The senator also pursued the matter with the TGA during Senate Estimates earlier this year.