High risk pregnancies on Nauru must be transferred to Australia: Greens


The Australian Government should offer appropriate medical care to at least three women on Nauru who are in the late stages of high risk pregnancies and bring them to Australia for treatment immediately, the Australian Greens have said.
"These women and their babies are not safe on Nauru and they should be brought back to Australia immediately," the Greens' immigration spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"The Immigration Department is scrambling, trying to find an Australian specialist who will go and treat these women on Nauru, but so far they have all refused because the appropriate level of care cannot be secured on the island.
"These expectant mothers, who have complicated pregnancies due to medical conditions, need specialised care that is only available in Australia.
"Doctors and specialists have said that these women need to be brought back to Australia because leaving them on Nauru is dangerous and will risk lives.
"The government must listen to the leading experts in this field, who want to see these women brought to Australia where they can get the care that they so clearly need."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760