Jay Weatherill: Will you stand up for the Bight or bow down to big oil?


The Australian Greens are calling on the SA Government to stand with coastal communities, tourism and fishery industries in protecting the Great Australian Bight marine park from high-risk oil drilling by Statoil.

“Statoil’s new tilt for approval to drill for oil in the Great Australian Bight must be stopped, and the State Government has the power to do so. The question for Premier Jay Weatherill is, is he with the coastal communities, local fisheries and tourism, and protecting this pristine marine environment, or with foreign-owned oil companies looking to line their pockets,” Greens Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young said.

“The State Government needs to answer once and for all whether it is willing to let Statoil and any other oil companies risk the Bight. This highly sensitive area is home to some of the most incredible marine life in the world and the repercussions on the environment and the thousands of jobs that rely on local fishing and tourism industries could be catastrophic if drilling for oil were to go ahead.

“Statoil is two-faced on climate policy. Just yesterday the company recommitted to the Paris Climate Agreement and today they want to entrench us into fossil fuels. BP has a dreadful environmental record and Chevron owes the tax office $1 billion. How can we trust the precious Great Australian Bight with these questionable companies?

“The Greens will continue to fight with the community against plans to drill in the Great Australian Bight – it’s time for Jay Weatherill to show his cards.”


Media contact: Amy Moran 0427 604 760

Media Release Environment and Biodiversity Healthy Oceans Mining and Resources