Labor and Liberal childcare policies fall short


The Australian Greens have expressed their disappointment at the inability of either Labor or the Liberals to adequately address the current crisis in childcare.
"The Liberal Party's policy would leave hundreds of thousands of families worse off while Labor just want to pump billions of dollars into a failing system," the Greens' early childhood education and care spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"The big parties have squibbed it on childcare reform.
"Families need help immediately and the sector needs to be reformed, but neither party is willing to do both. The previous three years represent a massive missed opportunity for Australian families and, so far, neither Labor nor the Liberals have charted a clear path towards reform.
"Mums and Dads around the country want action but all we've seen from the Abbott/Turnbull government is years of dithering and funding cuts.
"The Greens want to see all families given access to affordable, flexible, high quality care and we recognise that the current system simply isn't working.
"Childcare is the crucial first step in young Australians' education and that's why universal access must be the central principle behind any genuine reform.
"While the other parties are refusing to tackle the looming crisis in the sector, the Greens are standing up for families across the country."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760