Labor, Liberals vote against protecting the Bight after taking donations


The Labor and Liberal parties have voted against protecting South Australia’s pristine Great Australian Bight just days after it was revealed that they’ve been taking donations from the very companies that want to drill for oil there, the Australian Greens say.

“Labor and the Liberals had the chance today to prove that Chevron isn’t buying their votes in the Senate when it comes to banning drilling in the Bight, and they failed. I know many South Australians will be bitterly disappointed that their elected representatives have kowtowed to the big fossil fuel companies that help to fund their election campaigns,” Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young said.

“Chevron has been funnelling tens of thousands of dollars into the Labor and Liberal parties. Now it seems that keeping those political donations rolling in is more important to Labor and the Government than standing up for fisheries and tourism jobs in South Australia and the precious marine life that call the Bight home.

“Only the Greens have the integrity to stand up for the environment and South Australia’s long term economic future. The Parliament should be defending the Great Australian Bight against the big fossil fuel companies that are lining up to destroy it.”


Media contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760

Media Release Environment and Biodiversity