Labor missing opportunity to combat LGBTI discrimination


Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and the ALP are missing an opportunity to stamp out discrimination against LGBTI Australians by ruling out removing religious exemptions to the Sex Discrimination Act, the Greens say.
"It's disappointing that just days after Labor released plans for an LGBTI Commissioner, they are locking themselves into supporting discriminatory laws against LGBTI Australians," Greens sexuality spokesperson Senator Robert Simms said.
"These exemptions have a life-changing impact. They allow a religious school to sack or deny employment to a gay teacher or a faith-based homeless shelter to deny support to a young LGBTI person.
"The idea that all Australians should be equal and protected by our law is an important principle that should apply irrespective of your gender identity or sexual orientation. It's disappointing to see Labor missing in action on this issue."