Liberal Party’s university fee deregulation agenda alive and well


Greens higher education spokesperson Senator Robert Simms says the Prime Minister's comments in last night's leaders debate show the Liberals are still pursuing deregulation.
"After the budget, the Liberals would have had us believe that their deregulation agenda was on the shelf, but as we in the Greens predicted, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull declared in last night's leader's debate it is still in full swing," Senator Simms said.
"The Liberal Party's university policies seem to be based on making sure people from lower income families are priced out of an education. They say only select courses would be affected, but this agenda would have a domino effect in time, making a university education unattainable for some young people.
"This is another reminder of why we need Greens in the senate, to fight deregulation and stand up for investment in higher education."