Local children’s content quotas must be strengthened


The Australian Greens welcome the Federal Government reviewing local content requirements for children’s television on traditional commercial broadcasters and new streaming services.

“This review must provide practical measures to strengthen Australian children television content for broadcasters and streaming services,” Greens arts and youth spokesperson Senator Hanson-Young said.

“If the big commercial broadcasters have their way, local content quotas would be no more and our children would go without. This simply can’t be allowed to happen.

“The way we watch television has changed since services like Netflix and Stan burst onto the scene. While it’s high time for our local content quota requirements to catch up, commercial broadcasters have a responsibility to the community and they can’t be let off the hook.

“In the scope of this review, the Government has acknowledged the importance of television reflecting our children’s culture back to them, so they can understand their place in the world. Until the Government commits to strengthening local content quotas across the board, the Greens will keep up the fight to #SaveKidsTV.

“We have talented artists making television for local audiences in Australia and some of the most in-demand animators in the world. This is something we should be hanging our hats on, not allowing broadcasters to attempt to dismantle from behind the scenes. 

“The Australian Greens are proud to stand with children’s television producers from around the country in fighting to maintain, and strengthen, local content laws. If you value local children’s television, like so many of us do, now is the time to have your say.”


Media contact: Amy Moran 0427 604 760

Details on the campaign to #SaveKidsTV here

Media Release Arts Youth