Malcolm Turnbull - the wedding crasher?


The Greens Spokesperson on Marriage Equality this morning launched a postcard campaign calling on Prime Minister Turnbull to provide a free vote on the issue in the Parliament.

"Today we have launched a postcard campaign promoting the fact that Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull are still pushing the same policy position. We have had two leaders but the one policy," Greens Spokesperson on Marriage Equality, Senator Robert Simms said.

"We have two wedding crashers in the Coalition preventing progress on this reform: Tony Abbott and now Malcolm Turnbull. A free vote on marriage equality will break with the Jurassic Park era of Tony Abbott."

Senator Robert Simms will be moving a motion in the Senate today calling on Prime Minister Turnbull to allow a free vote on marriage equality before the end of the year.

If you would like some Wedding Crashers postcards to tell the Prime Minister you want the parliament to legislate for marriage equality now, please contact Senator Simms' office by email or by calling (08) 8410 4588.