Manus and Nauru torturous by design: Greens


The Manus Island and Nauru detention camps are not only torturous, but are intentionally design to be so, the Australian Greens have said.
"Tim Costello has simply said what is plainly true about the situation on Manus Island and Nauru," Senator Hanson-Young said.
"These camps are clearly designed to be torturous.
"This policy of offshore torture, so cherished by the Labor and Liberal parties, is destroying people right in front of our eyes.
"The problem is that the government has no exit strategy when it comes to Manus and Nauru.
"The Greens have a better way, where we assess people's claims in Indonesia and Malaysia before flying those in need here safely. That way we undercut the people smugglers' business model while protecting those who are in need."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760