Manus Island illegal; time to close the camp and bring the people to Australia


The Australian Greens have welcomed the PNG Supreme Court's decision, declaring the Manus Island camp to be illegal, and have called on Malcolm Turnbull to bring the people who have been locked up there to Australia.
"The game is up. The government has got to shut the Manus Island detention camp and bring these people here," the Greens' immigration spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"This is an important decision and I welcome it. It shows that the Australian Government has been illegally detaining refugees on Manus Island for years.
"Malcolm Turnbull has to act. He needs to allow the people there to be brought to Australia so that they can have their claims assessed and, if they are in need of protection, be integrated into the community.
"These people have been through enough. It's time they were given the safety and care that they deserve.
"Today's ruling, following the shocking revelations on last nights 4 Corners, shows that the end has finally come for the government's cruel and inhumane detention camps."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760