Nauru death needs independent investigation


With the death of yet another person in Australia's care on Nauru, the Australian Greens have again expressed their condolences and called for an independent review into the circumstances of this young man's death.
"There needs to be an independent investigation into this man's death," the Green's immigration spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"There are questions to answer about the length of time it took for this man to get sufficient care and what exactly led to this deterioration in his condition.
"With reports that this young man's death is the second suicide in as many weeks on Nauru, there needs to be an independent and transparent investigation. The investigation cannot be left to the Nauru Police or Peter Dutton's Department, both of whom clearly cannot be trusted.
"There is a better way for us to care for people seeking asylum. We should close Nauru and be proactively assessing people's claims for asylum where they are in the region and then bringing those that need protection to Australia safely.
"If we treated people seeking asylum with respect rather than dumping them on a remote Pacific Island this tragedy, and the others leading up to it, could have been avoided."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760