Needs based funding required, not government excuses for funding cuts


Needs based support for schools must be guaranteed beyond the funding cliff set up by the Abbott/Turnbull government, the Australian Greens have said.
"The last thing we need right now is more excuses from the government justifying their education cuts," the Greens' Education spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
"We need to be investing in a full needs-based funding model, not walking back from the steps we've taken in that direction to this point.
"The government will do anything to hide the fact that it wants to cut $3.9 billion from schools funding over the next few years.
"The only thing that should dictate how much funding a school receives is the need of their students, not which political party holds government or the mood of the State Premiers.
"The government's ideologically motivated attacks on our education institutions, from primary schools through to universities, need to stop."
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760