Overhaul schools funding so it’s based on need: Greens


Any overhaul of schools funding must result in a genuine ‘needs based’ model, the Australian Greens have said, pointing out that some wealthy, overfunded private schools will need to have their funding reduced so that struggling public schools can get ahead.
“Yes, some schools are overfunded and yes, that funding should be clawed back,” the Greens’ education spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“Public funding is precious and it needs to be spent on giving all young Australians access to a high quality public education.
“It is a tragedy that the broken schools funding debate has already held back thousands of young Australians from achieving their full potential.
“The Greens will stand against the Turnbull government’s public school funding cuts and repeated attacks on publicly educated students.
“We need to end the bickering, get on the same page and deliver the genuine needs based funding that will allow our children in public schools to get the education that they deserve.”
Media Contact: Noah Schultz-Byard 0427 604 760

Media ReleaseEducation